Researcher Mobility Program
Early Researcher Mobility Program
INU is committed to establishing multilateral research collaborations across INU network of universities.
To achieve this, the Researcher Mobility Program provides the opportunity for early researchers (who have completed their PhD within the past 5 years) to engage in research at another INU member university. The purpose of this program is to develop joint research initiatives between two INU member universities, with a view to further expand to multilateral research collaborations with other INU member universities in future.
Visits should be for 2-4 weeks and should form the basis for future collaboration between the two research centers.
Following a successful visit, the host research center and visiting researcher may like to consider applying for Seed Money Funding, to support their on-going collaboration (ideally considering how other INU members could participate/benefit also).
The award
There are 5 awards of up to £1,700 each year. The award contributes towards travel and living costs to facilitate the visit.
The home university of the visiting researcher will cover the upfront costs of the visit (up to a maximum of £1,700) and will invoice INU to reimburse the costs after the visit has taken place, and the evaluation form has been received.
Expenses submitted to the home institution must be as per its institutional expenses policy. Receipts for expenses may be required.
Should the cost of the visit go above the funding awarded by INU, it is the responsibility of the visiting researcher find means of covering these additional costs.
The researcher must be employed by the INU member university at the time of the visit.
If additional funding is required by the visiting researcher, it is the responsibility of the visiting researcher to find additional sources of funding.
There are no funding commitments from the host university or sending university, unless agreed separately.
Deadline to apply
Wednesday 26th March 2025
Applicants must be employed as a researcher at an INU member university for at least 6 months, prior to the application.
Applicants must be an ‘early’ researcher, having completed their PhD within the last 5 years.
Successful applicants will need to be employed as faculty in research activity at an INU member university at the time of undertaking their researcher mobility visit to be eligible for the funding.
Applicants must have a good level of English to undertake this programme.
Links to INU member University Research Centres
European University Viadrina, Germany
Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia
Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina
If you have any questions about the Researcher Mobility Program, please contact the INU Coordinator who would be happy to offer advice and guidance.
For further guidance on the application process, expectations and coronavirus considerations, please refer to the information in the tabs below.
Application process
Before applying
- Initially, applicants should identify a research centre at an INU member university which matches their research interests. This can be done via the INU member university websites (Links at bottom of the page).
- The researcher should connect with the relevant member of staff within the research group and confirm if they would be willing to accommodate their visit. The applicant should outline the following information at the outset in their communication to the potential host research centre:
- their research interests and how this aligns with the host research centre
- the purpose of their proposed visit
- their expectations of the visit
It is recommended the link to the INU Researcher Mobility Programme website is also provided at the first point of contact also.
- If the host research centre is happy to accommodate the visit, Letter of Acceptance is required is required to submit with the application.
- A Letter of Support is required from your home institution (signed by both your line manager and the INU Council member at your University). If you’re unsure who your INU Council member is, please contact the INU Coordinator who will be happy to advise)
Making an application
The visiting researcher is required to submit the application form and supporting documents to the INU Coordinator before the deadline of 26 March 2025. The following supporting documents will need to be submitted with the application.
Supporting documents
- A statement of purpose including:
- Details of your current research activities
- Objectives of the visit
- How will this help you as a researcher and the interests of your research center
- Future plans to continue the collaboration between the two research centers
- How could this research potentially be expanded in future to include other INU member universities
The statement of purpose should be signed and agreed by the visiting researcher and the host research centre.
- A planned schedule – outlining key activities during the visit. This should be developed by the visiting researcher and the host research centre in collaboration. This can include an indication of potential dates for the visit (although confirmed dates are not required).
- Letter of Support signed by the researcher’s supervisor/line manager and INU Council member at the home institution
- Letter of Acceptance signed by the host research center
- A detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Resumé of the visiting researcher
- A budget outlining the expected cost of the visit. (Quotes to provided when possible.)
- Travel costs
- Accommodation
- Subsistence
INU can cover up to £1,700 only. Any additional costs would either need to be agreed to be covered by the sending institution separately or by the visiting researcher.
In applying for the Researcher Mobility program, I consent to the International Network of Universities collecting and storing the data from this form in line with our privacy policy.
Criteria for selection
The following criteria will be considered when reviewing applications:
- Clear objectives and purpose of the visit
- Commitment to developing an international research collaboration (making use of the online resources to sustain a partnership)
- A demonstrated understanding of INU and our mission and values
- Potential impact for INU members institutions
- Potential impact for visiting researcher and host institution
Successful applicants
Applicants will be informed by mid-May if they have been successful. Following this, applicants will have 12 months to arrange and make the visit to the INU member university research centre.
If 12 months passes, and the visit has not yet taken place, the applicant will need to re-apply for funding. Please contact the INU Coordinator in the first instance:
Expectations of the Researcher Mobility Program
Before the visit
Prior to the visit, a minimum of two online meetings should be held between the visiting researcher and the research centre, to begin the discussions around the visit and to plan the schedule. This is to ensure the time spent in-country can be maximised.
During the visit
The visiting researcher will be asked to share photos, updates and quotes about their visit which can be shared with the INU Council / INU website/ social media.
The visiting researcher will be required to deliver a presentation on their home institution and the research which is happening in the relevant area, to share with the host institution.
After the visit
The visiting researcher will be asked to submit an Evaluation Report within 6 weeks of their return.
The visiting researcher is also expected to write a LinkedIn post about the experience, (ideally with photos from the visit) and tag INU LinkedIn page into the post to help raise awareness of the program.
The visiting researcher and host research centre will be expected to remain in contact after the visit, arranging regular online calls to maintain the relationship and keep the momentum following the visit. As we know, a huge amount can be achieved online, and this is the sustainable form of internationalisation which INU would be keen to encourage.
The INU would request regular updates on the progress between the two research centers following the visit so that INU Council can be informed.
Expectations of the host research center during the visit
- To have an interest in a long-term international collaboration
- To share experience/ expertise in their research area
- To co-organise a schedule of activities for the visit.
- To provide a letter of invitation (if required) for visa purposes
- To organise meetings with relevant colleagues, provide a work area and to engage the visiting researcher in the current research activities
Expectations of the visiting researcher
- To complete the application form and submit supporting documents
- To organise flights/accommodation (It is recommended that you seek guidance from the host institution for accommodation options before booking)
- To organise the necessary travel insurance for the visit (please consult with your home university and host university) and to apply for a visa (if necessary)
- To deliver a presentation on their home institution and the research which is happening in this area, to the host research centre.
- To share photos/information on the visit to INU whilst in-country
- To write a report for the INU council after the visit
- To have an interest in a long-term international collaboration
Coronavirus considerations
The travelling researcher is responsible for monitoring the travel restrictions in the country they are to visit, bearing in mind these can change quite quickly. The travelling researcher also needs to ensure their travel insurance will give appropriate cover, as well as adhering to day-to-day corona virus related requirements in-country.