Student Seminar for Global Citizenship and Peace

International Student Seminar for Global Citizenship & Peace 2024

 1 -10 August 2024, hosted by Hiroshima University


Program Overview

The International Student Seminar for Global Citizenship and Peace is a unique immersion program which is hosted by Hiroshima University in Japan.  Since 2006, the seminar welcomes students from around the world from INU member universities and is structured around the August 6 commemoration of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

The seminar prepares an international group of approx 60 students to live and learn as engaged global citizens. The Student Seminar provides students with a working knowledge of global citizenship and peace with a focus on cross-disciplinary problem, solving of real-world political, economic, social, and cultural problems. Workshops are delivered by Faculty from across INU member universities, with expertise across a range of disciplines relating to the theme.

The 10-day program includes lectures, case studies and small group discussions.  The program also offers field trips to local attractions and cultural learning experiences, and culminates in a United Nations role play where groups of students represent different countries, and negotiate to pass a draft resolution.

Theme of seminar

Each year, the INU Student Seminar addresses a different theme.  In 2024, the theme of the seminar is on World Peace and Political Justice.

Seminar theme 2024:  World Peace and Political Justice

In recent years, the number of wars or armed conflicts, international and internal, in different regions of the world has risen due to contradictory interests, political suppression or economic exploitation. This negative development is characterised by diversification in the types of conflicts depending on the actors: states and non-state actors.

Because peace is a precondition for sustainable development, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 16 calls for a peaceful and inclusive world, to provide access to justice for all and build effective accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. But the reality presented in the SDG Progress Report 2023 with regard to the realization of this goal shows that the global community is actually making insufficient progress. Armed conflicts particularly undermine the progress of all other goals, including the SDGs. They cause numerous victims of the civilian population, violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and leave behind a life-threatening landscape of destruction.

The seminar will also consider the role of international organisations such as the UN in world peace. The most important purpose of the UN is to ‘maintain international peace and security’ as stated in Article 1 number 1 of the UN Charter. This could be achieved by taking ‘effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace’. The seminar will explore how effective and influential such organisations can be in achieving their purpose.

The aims of this year’s seminar are to explore the causes, effects and consequences of wars and conflicts on various areas and agendas and to discuss mechanisms for their prevention for a peaceful world.

You can view the full list of past International Student Seminar themes since the seminar first started in 2006 here.



Full-time students from INU member institutions who are willing to be challenged by an intensive academic and cultural program.

Each INU member universities will invite their students to apply to participate, usually in February-April.  Please do contact the INU Council Member at your University  to express your interest in participating, or contact the INU Coordinator for further information:

Who should apply?

The student seminar is designed for highly motivated students who are interested in:

  • Increasing their understanding of political, economic, social and cultural challenges emerging in an increasingly globalized world
  • Understanding the notion of global citizenship and considering their potential as global citizens
  • Deepening their appreciation of the challenges and payoffs of cross-cultural and international engagement
  • Sharing reflections with students, academics, and other seminar participants.

Application and Selection Process

Each INU member institution determines the application and selection process for students at their university. For more information, contact the international office at your institution, or contact the INU Coordinator.

Practical Information

Students and staff will stay in the same hotel, close to the seminar venue at Higashi Hiroshima campus.  The hotel is booked for students by Hiroshima University, however the cost of the stay is to be covered by the student/staff themselves.

The program schedule, accommodation information and reading lists will be provided to selected students in advance of the seminar.

To enable full participation in the program, students are asked to arrive in Hiroshima on Thursday 1st August 2024 and to depart Hiroshima on Sunday 11th August 2024.

Draft Schedule*

Thursday 1st  August Arrive Hiroshima
Friday 2nd August Start of Seminar – Welcome and introductions
Saturday 3rd August UN Sessions / Intercultural Session /Keynote talk
Sunday 4th August Workshop 1 / Group Work / Japanese Culture
Monday 5th August Survivor of the Atomic Bombing Talk / Peace Museum / Free time to visit Miyajima Island
Tuesday 6th August

Peace events / free afternoon in Hiroshima City

Wednesday 7th August Workshop 2 / group work
Thursday 8th  August Workshop 3 / group work
Friday 9th August Workshop 4 / group work
Saturday 10th August UN General Assembly role play
Sunday 11th August Return home

*Please note this schedule is to provide an indication of activities and is subject to change.


Please do contact the INU Coordinator:


Group photo international students

The INU Student Seminar features:
  • Lectures and workshops with academic experts and guest speakers from around the world;
  • Interactive seminars that encourage stimulating discussion and learning;
  • A role-play of a special session of the United Nations General Assembly;
  • A truly international student body


“This was my first UN Role Play experience, and it gave me a greater understanding of gobal issues, especially when focusing on food and water insecurity”

“An incredible experience to have been able to share, learn and exchange with fellow students and teachers from all over the world and with different background”