Seed Money Fund
The Seed Money Fund
The INU Seed Money Fund addresses the need for INU faculty/ professional services staff to start a project of significance which will benefit the network. This open seed-funding call seeks creative ideas that support internationalization and global engagement within the INU and is open for any member of staff at an INU member institution to apply.
Applications from those who have recently undertaken the Researcher Mobility Program or Staff Knowledge Exchange, to further their partnership and begin new projects are most welcome.
The call is open to all disciplines and a variety of activities across our INU member universities.
The Award
There are two rounds of funding available for seed money projects.
Phase 1 – New projects
New projects should apply under phase 1. This phase is for new applications for a project which is yet to receive funding support from INU.
There are 2 awards of up to £2,500 each year under Phase 1.
Applications under phase 1 need to have a minimum of 2 INU member institutions involved in the project.
Phase 2 – Expanding projects
Phase 2 is for projects which are already underway and have already been awarded Seed Money Funding previously under Phase 1. This provides the opportunity to apply for a second round of funding, to develop and expand the initiative further.
There are 2 awards of up to £2,500 each year under Phase 2.
Applications under phase 2 need to have a minimum of 4 INU member institutions involved in the project.
Please note: Under both phases, the funding must be requested within 12 months of notification of a successful application, and can only be used for the purposes agreed in the Seed Money Fund application. Projects are also expected to have commenced within 12 months of the notification of a successful application.
How to apply
To apply for Seed Money funding, please complete the application form. This should be completed by the nominated project lead.
The following supporting documents will be required:
- Project description (Describe the proposed project and explain how this initiative aligns with INU mission/vision, outline the expected outcomes, long term sustainability etc)
- If you’re applying under Phase 2, please attach a separate document outline the outcomes from Phase 1 Seed Money Funding.
- List of partners including:
- Name, job title, faculty/department, university, email address.
- The role and contribution of each partner should be clearly defined.
- A letter of support from each partner, signed by their line manager
- Project timeline
- A detailed budget of up to £2,500
Seed Money Fund applicants should consider carefully which elements can be delivered remotely, via online methods, and which elements may require travel. In terms of sustainable internationalisation, accessibility and cost effectiveness, applicants should consider a balance of online and in-person activity.
When applying for Seed Money Funding, I consent to the International Network of Universities collecting and storing the data from this form in line with our privacy policy.
Selection criteria
The selection committee is comprised of three representatives of INU institutions and will consider application on the following basis:
- Priority will be given to projects that align with INU mission, vision, and value statement.
- Project proposals will be rated based on potential outcomes and impact.
- Applications need to have a future vision, of how the project can develop and grow. It needs to be sustainable without INU funding in the long-term.
- Applications should include a minimum of 2 INU members, however in most cases, it is expected that applications will include a greater number of INU members.
If only 2 members are part of the project, evidence needs to be given to show approaches were made to other INU members to be involved, or to show why this particular initiative can only relate to two institutions. Applications which address how projects can extend to other INU members will also be viewed preferentially.
If you would like to be connected with faculty/staff at other INU member universities to invite them as partners in a project, please do contact the INU Coordinator who will be happy to facilitate in connecting you.
Successful projects
Recipients of Seed Money Funding will be required to report back on progress to the INU Council as follows:
- Seed Money Fund recipients are expected to give INU a project update at least once every 3 months.
- 12 months after the funds have been awarded, the nominated project lead and project partners will be asked to give a presentation to INU Council, showcasing the project and its outcomes.
- A written annual report for the INU will also be required, as well as photos and quotes which can be used on INU’s social media/website.
- If more than 12 months has passed and the project has not yet started/funding not yet been requested, a new Seed Money Funding application would need to be submitted.
Deadline to apply
31st October each year.
Coronavirus considerations
If the project involves student or staff mobility, the nominated project lead will need to stay up to date with the latest travel guidance for the travel destination, bearing in mind these can change quite quickly.
Seed Money Fund Recipients
2024 Gender Inequality in the Labor Market
2023 Scaling Collaborative Design Challenges
2023 Business in Global Citizenship
2022 INU Nursing Leadership Collaborative