INU Constitution

Chapter I. General Principles

Article 1. Name
The network is named “INU – ‘International Network of Universities’ hereinafter referred to as “INU”.

Article 2. Purpose
INU is a global network comprised of higher education institutions in alignment with

its vision: To be a vibrant higher education network that combines the resources and perspectives of its members in mutual support of the advancement of globally engaged citizens

and mission: The INU is a global platform where members work collaboratively to provide transformative experiences that continuously advance the global engagement of students, faculty, and staff.

Members of the network can be located in any country in the world, although a balance between geographical areas shall be sought.

Article 3. Duration
INU shall be constituted for an unlimited period.

Chapter II. Membership

Article 4. Admission
INU Membership shall be granted to any legally constituted university which submits a request to the Executive Committee and has been admitted to INU by decision of the Council following the proposal of the aforementioned Executive Committee.

Article 5. Termination of Membership
A member institution withdraw its membership of INU effective six months after giving notice in writing to the President.

Any member failing to pay the membership fee at the end of the year for which the former is due may be excluded from the network by decision of the Council. The Council takes a decision only after having heard the member institution.

A member institution which ceases to be a member will have no claim on the INU assets except at the discretion of the Council.

Article 6. Membership fee
The annual membership fee shall be fixed by the Council every year and communicated to its members in good time before membership fee is due.


Chapter III. Bodies of the Association

INU is embodied by two main entities, these being the Council (section 1) and the Executive Committee (section 2).

Section 1. The Council

Article 7. Composition
The Council is composed of all the member universities of INU. Each member institution will designate two representatives to the Council, both in senior leading positions at their institutions. In their absence, representatives can be replaced by a delegate duly invested with power through a proxy to this effect.

Article 8. Functions
The Council is the supreme body and the highest authority of INU. The Council determines the policy of the network and takes all decisions concerning the network, the activities and the programmes of the network.

In particular, the Council is solely competent for:

  • the election of the President;
  • the election of members of the Executive Committee;
  • the admission and exclusion of members;
  • the approval of the appointment of the Coordinator;
  • the approval of the agenda proposed by the Executive Committee;
  • the approval of proposals for new activities submitted by the member institutions;
  • the approval of internal rules and regulations proposed by the Executive Committee;
  • the determination of the amount of the annual membership fee;
  • the approval of the budget, the accounts and the annual balance sheet;
  • any modification of the Constitution;
  • the dissolution of the network.

Article 9. Meetings
The Council meets twice a year in ordinary session after prior notice given by the President. An extraordinary general meeting may also be convened when necessary, or upon request of at least a third of the member institutions. The Executive Committee establishes the agenda which shall be sent to each member at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The meetings of the Council are presided over by the President of the network.

A Council meeting shall be formally held when 2/3 of the institutional votes can be considered.

One of the two annual meetings of the Council combines INU management items with sessions to share knowledge within member institutions and aiming at inviting more participants.

All member institutions are expected to host Council meetings on regular basis.

Article 10. Resolutions
The Council shall pass resolutions by a majority of the votes cast by the member institutions present, each member institution holding one vote.


  1. All decisions concerning the admission or exclusion of members and those changing the amount of the annual membership fee shall be taken by a majority vote of all the members of the network;
  2. The present Constitution can be amended by the Council on the basis of a motion proposed by either the President or half of the network’s members. Such a motion must be included on the agenda. In both cases, the motion, along with a well-grounded explanation of its motivation, will be put forward for approval by the Council. A majority of member institutions participating in the Council is required for approval. The same procedure shall be followed for the amendment of any annexes to this Constitution.

All decisions of the Council shall be kept in a file accessible to the members.


Section 2. The Executive Committee

Article 11. Composition
The Executive Committee is composed of the INU President, the INU Coordinator and a minimum of three appointed member institutions elected by the Council. The representatives at the Executive Committee members must be engaged in the higher management of a member university on the day of their election. They shall be identified by their university of origin among its two representatives at the Council. They shall attend the Executive Committee personally and can bring to the Executive Committee meetings one person nominated ‘ex officio’. The Executive Committee may invite specialists to attend its meetings if necessary.

The Immediate Past President can serve at the Executive Committee as a member for one year in an advisory role if invited by the President.

The Executive Committee shall be elected for a period of two years. Its members may be re-elected twice.

Article 12. Functions
The Executive Committee is an advisory committee of the INU Council. It helps coordinating the INU activities, is responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the Council. It consults Council members regularly. The Executive Committee shall, in particular:

  1. submit proposals to the Council concerning the policy of the network;
  2. prepare the agenda for meetings of the Council;
  3. make recommendations to the Council in relation to the admission and exclusion of members;
  4. form and organise working parties, workshops and committees commissioned to carry out research on specific issues;
  5. draw up internal rules and regulations;
  6. manage and allocate the funds of the network in accordance with the budget approved by the Council;
  7. take all necessary decisions concerning priority of activities suggested by member institutions;
  8. render an account of its activities to the Council in an annual report.
  9. propose the annual budget.
  10. or any other function delegated by the INU Council.


Article 13. Meetings
The meetings of the Executive Committee are convened by the President as often as is necessary and at least twice a year.

Article 14. Decision Making
The proposals of the Executive Committee shall be taken to the Council for approval.

The role and responsibilities of the Executive Committee are attached to this Constitution as Annex 1


Section 3. The President

Article 15. Appointment
The INU President is elected by the Council for a period of two years. He/she shall be eligible for re-election twice only.

He/she shall be selected from those persons holding or having held a senior leadership position at one of the member universities.

Article 16. Powers
The President presides over the Council and the Executive Committee. He/she shall represent INU in relation with third parties.

If the President ceases his/her activities, his/her institution shall provide a replacement for the remaining term and seek the ratification of the Council at its next meeting.

The President’s role and responsibilities are attached to this Constitution as Annex 2.


Section 4. The INU Coordinator

Article 17. Appointment
The INU Coordinator shall be appointed by the President. This appointment shall, however, be ratified by the Council at its next meeting.

The Coordinator’s role and responsibilities are attached to this Constitution as Annex 3.


Chapter IV. Internal Rules and Regulations

Article 18.
In accordance with the present Constitution, the Executive Committee shall present to the Council certain internal rules or regulations which shall govern in particular:

  1. the procedure concerning the admission of new member institutions;
  2. the formation, the composition of and the powers conferred to working groups, workshops and committees.


Chapter V. Dissolution. Liquidation

Article 19.
The network may only agree to its dissolution in accordance with the procedure and the methods prescribed for the modification of the INU Constitution. In such instance, the Council shall designate the liquidator(s) and establish the powers of this (these) person(s). The appropriation of the nominal net assets of the network shall be determined by the Council.

In the event of dissolution each member institution will receive an equal share of any assets which remain after all debts have been paid and all obligations discharged.


Chapter VI. Miscellaneous and Transitory Provisions

Article 20. Financial Year
The financial year of the network shall commence on 1st January and finish on 31st December.

Article 21. Current members
At the time of approving this Constitution the INU members are the following institutions:

European University Viadrina, Germany

Flinders University, Australia

Hiroshima University, Japan

James Madison University, USA

Kingston University, London, UK

Malmö University, Sweden

Nelson Mandela University, South Africa

Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia

Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain

Article 22. Replacement of former documents
The present Constitution replaces the Constitution and Principles adopted by the INU Council in November 2008 and any other previous regulatory document.



INU Executive Committee. Role and responsibilities

  1. Purpose of Role

The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, at least three Council members and the Coordinator.  After leaving the Presidency, the Immediate Past President can be invited to participate in the Executive Committee for one year. The Executive Committee assures that the decisions and activities of the consortium align with the INU mission, vision, and values.  Under the leadership of the INU President and with the support of the INU Coordinator, the Executive Committee provides oversight of key strategic activities, and prepares recommendations for the Council, as well as provides guidance for the consortium between Council meetings, and as needed. The Executive Committee is appointed by and serves the INU Council.

  1. Role details

Role Title:                                INU Executive Committee (President, at least three INU Council members. and INU Coordinator),
Responsible to:                       INU Council
Key working relationships:      The INU Council members, President

  1. Composition of the Executive Committee

Members on the Executive Committee should represent different institutions and also chair one or more of the standing committees (i.e., New Initiatives, Funding, Membership, Measuring the impact and Value of INU).

  1. President chairs the Executive Committee.
  2. Council members. A minimum of three Council members of the Executive Committee support the work of the President by leading one or more standing committees (i.e., New Initiatives, Funding, Membership, Measuring the impact and Value of INU).
  3. Immediate Past President. The role of the Immediate Past President on the Executive Committee is advisory.  For one year following the Presidency, the Immediate Past President at a minimum provides advice to the Executive Committee regarding past practices and other matters to assist in governing the consortium. The immediate Past President can also serve as a member of Executive Committee as deemed appropriate after an invitation by the President.
  4. INU Coordinator. INU Coordinator joins the Executive Committee for assistance in fulfilling the key responsibilities, particularly in the area of project management.

  1. Term: The Executive Committee members will be appointed in a staggered manner for a two year term. They may serve successive terms with three-term limit.
  2. Meetings

A minimum of two in-person meetings a year:

  • Annual general INU Council meeting in September-November, and
  • Annual meeting of working and interest groups in February-April

Additional virtual meetings to be held at the call of the President and as needed.

  1. Key responsibilities
  1. The Executive Committee decides the EC members’ standing committee assignments.
  2. May lead one or more standing committees (i.e., New Initiatives, Funding, Membership, Measuring the impact and Value of INU).
  3. Participate in and support the President (in conjunction with the INU Coordinator) in planning, consortium management, financial management and fund raising, relationship raising, marketing and promotion, quality management and Network efficiency responsibilities.
  1. Key Capabilities

Hold key responsibility of internationalization within a member university and normally having served on INU Council.



INU President. Role and Responsibilities

  1. Purpose of Role

The INU President assures that the decisions and activities of the consortium align with the INU mission, vision, and values.  With the support of the Executive Committee and the INU Coordinator, the INU President provides oversight of key strategic activities, and prepares recommendations for the Council. The INU President is appointed by and serves the INU Council.

  1. Role details

Role Title:                            INU President
Responsible to:                   INU Council
Key working relationships:    The Executive Committee, Coordinator, and Council members


  • Oversees the functioning of the Executive Committee (EC) by chairing meetings, setting agendas, and assures their proper functioning;
  • Creates annual operating plans together with the EC that support strategic direction set by the INU Council and correlate with annual operating budgets;
  • Submits annual plans and two-year roadmap to the INU Council for approval;
  • Collaborates with the Council to define and articulate the INU network’s vision and to develop strategies for achieving that vision.
  • Tables annual report to be distributed at the beginning of the calendar year


  • Recruits, hires and manages the INU Coordinator according to authorized personnel policies and procedures that fully conform to regional/institutional laws and regulations;
  • Oversees the general operations of the consortium;
  • Creates and maintains procedures for implementing plans approved by the INU Council;
  • Ensures that INU Executive, Council Members and INU Coordinator have sufficient information;
  • Evaluates the organization’s and the INU Coordinator’s performance on an annual basis;
  • Supervises the INU Coordinator.

Financial Management and Fund Raising

  • Reports back to the INU Council annual income and spending;
  • Develops and monitors new strategies for ensuring the long-term financial stability of the consortium;
  • Oversees efforts in the development and implementation of fund raising plans;

Relationship Management

  • Serves as the primary spokesperson and representative for the consortium;
  • Assures that the consortium and its mission, programs, and activities are consistently presented in a strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders and potential new members;
  • Actively advocates for the consortium, its beliefs, and its programmatic efforts to future members.

Marketing and Promotion

  • Oversees content, production and distribution of all marketing and publicity materials (posters, program, flyers, mail outs, brochures etc.) with INU Coordinator;
  • Represents the consortium and its activities at international conferences and meetings and in so doing acts as a face of the INU.

Quality Management and Network Efficiency

  • In collaboration with the INU Executive, oversees design, delivery, and quality of programs and services;
  • Stays abreast of current trends and developments related to the consortium’s activities and anticipates future trends likely to have an impact on its operations;

Collects and analyses evaluation information that measures the success of the consortium’s program efforts.



INU Coordinator. Role and responsibilities

  1. Purpose of Role

The INU Coordinator actively supports the administration and activities of the INU network. Under broad guidance of the INU President and the Executive, the INU Coordinator ensures the effective operation of the INU network through the provision of Membership Service and Administration, Governance Support, Program Support and Coordination and Marketing and Promotion. The INU Coordinator is an active participant at the biannual INU Council meetings and supports the effective administration of other INU meetings as required.

  1. Role details

Role Title:                            INU Coordinator
Supervisor:                          INU President
Key working relationships:    INU President and the Executive, Council members and other member university’s administrative staff.

  1. Key responsibilities

Membership service and Administration

  • Communicate with INU members as and when required in relation to administrative matters
  • Coordinate all regular administrative activities of the INU
  • Coordinate financial administration and budget
  • Support the development of activity summaries of the Network and INU office, including the Annual Report
  • Be the link between all member universities of the INU and support the process around new memberships

Governance Support

  • Support the President and Executive Committee in communicating and coordinating Council and Executive Committee meetings.
  • Prepare agendas and accompanying documentation for the Council meetings
  • Support the development of regularly reporting of INU activities and project progress to the Council and INU President
  • Communicate with member institutions and INU President regarding governance matters
  • Attend the Executive Committee meetings.
  • Work with the INU President and the Executive Committee members for efficient and effective INU office operation
  • Produce regular activity statements and attend the INU Council meetings and any additional meetings as needed INU Council meetings.

Program Support and Coordination

  • Provide administrative support and assist with management of programs that are operated by INU members.
  • Collect and analyze data that measures the impact of consortium’s program efforts; suggests program changes in response to that information

Marketing and PR

  • Produce INU newsletter
  • Provide content and coordinate the design of the INU website, and ensure it is up-to-date.
  • Maintain Facebook and LinkedIn (and other social media outlets as determined) accounts for INU
  • Coordinate production and distribution of INU marketing and publicity materials
  • Ensure all members have access to adequate INU content for internal promotion of the INU

Undertake other duties as the needs within the Network arise and as directed by the INU President and the Executive.

  1. Key Capabilities
  • Bachelor’s degree required
  • Appreciation and commitment to international education
  • Strong written and oral communication skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, web design tools, online survey system, and managing databases.
  • Strong coordination and organizational skills