Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR) marked its 61st anniversary on January 18, 2016. During the celebration, Rector Mangadar Situmorang presented three priority areas for UNPAR: 1) strengthening UNPAR’s identity, 2) achieving full accreditation and overall quality improvement, and 3) bettering implementation of university governance, education, and higher education. He also stated that the quality of education is very important for UNPAR, whose mission is to deliver Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi: 1) education and teaching, 2) research, and 3) community service. Faculty with significant research contributions were recognized during the observance. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D., Director General of Education and Student Affairs at the Ministry for Research, Technology, and Higher Education, gave the Orasi Dies, a formal speech presented to the general public. In his address he focused on the central role universities play in national development and regional integration, and the international opportunities and challenges in becoming “The Great UNPAR.”