Ninth edition of Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL)’s International Winter School: Latin American contemporary challenges


UNL’s Winter School is a milestone in the internationalization process launched by the university within the framework of its Strategic Institutional Plan.

The 2021 online version of the Winter School was held from July 26th to August 13th and focused on issues and challenges faced by Latin American countries. It offers a training program that bases its contents on the “Ten objectives for the sustainable development of Latin America”, under the following topics: Regional integration; Gender equality; Environmental conservation; Responsible consumption and production; Globalization and Latin American identity.

It is aimed at UNL’s undergraduate students, and international students enrolled in undergraduate and master programs. In the ninth edition, 25 students participated: 10 students from UNL and 15 from institutions in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, Mexico and Sweden. In addition, the presentations were given by teachers from foreign universities and the UNL.

Find out more about UNL’s International Winter School