Universitat Rovira i Virgili is organizing its International Staff Training Week on June 20-23, 2016. The topic of this session is Internationalization Strategy and is aimed at administrative or teaching staff who work specifically in internationalization strategic planning. At the end of the international week, participants will have acquired the skills to:
Plan an institutional strategic process, with a particular emphasis on internationalization.
- Identify the key components and processes that are necessary for a successful strategic planning process.
- Implement each step of the strategic planning process within their unit/institution.
- Define a vision and be able to turn it into objectives and actions.
The deadline to apply for this International Staff Training week is April 28, 2016. You can access all the information through this link. Please note that the profile of participants needs to match the objective of this international week.
The course dates coincide with the Festivity of Sant Joan (June 24), which celebrates the Summer Solstice – the shortest night of the year. For the Catalans this is a public holiday, renowned for the bonfires and night-long parties during Sant Joan’s eve. We will do our best to see that you enjoy your learning experience with us during these special days.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Tarragona!