Competency Design & Assessment Workshop Series   |   28 October 2021—February 2022

Centre for Student Leadership – Experiential Education & Citizenship  |   Stellenbosch University

Stellenbosch University are offering a Competency Design & Assessment Workshop Series to INU members for participate.

The Competency Design and Assessment workshop series will benefit individuals and organisations involved in or considering developing a structured approach to experiential learning and competency formation. This training opportunity focuses on competency frameworks; assessment; competency acquisition together with designing levels of skills and progression.

By participating in this workshop series, participants will have the opportunity to understand and develop the capability to apply the 1) Design of Competency Models; 2) Assessment Tools; 3) Assessor Knowledge and Skills; and 4) Competency Implementation Roadmaps.

This workshop series offers an in-depth learning opportunity covering competency design, implementation and assessment techniques towards preparing graduates to thrive in a VUCA world.


This is a series of 4 workshops, and registrants can sign up for all four, or select individual workshops to attend:

WORKSHOP 1: Designing Competency Models

DATE: 28 OCT 2021 : 09h00 – 13h00 (SAST)

WORKSHOP 2: Assessment Tools – Design & Usage

DATE: 18 November 2021 : 09h00 – 13h00 (SAST)

WORKSHOP 3: Assessor Knowledge and Skills

DATE: 27 January 2022 : 09h00 – 13h00 (SAST)

WORKSHOP 4: Competency Implementation Road Map

DATE: 24 February 2022 : 09h00 – 13h00 (SAST)


Early Bird Full Workshop Series R 5 500,00

Workshop Regular Attendance R 6 750,00

Single Workshop Attendance R 1 995,00

To register:  Please use this weblink

Enquiries:  |  Ruth Andrews  |   Ramone Comalie