Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
The 19th INU Council meeting focused on a number of topics to benefit INU members’ internationalization efforts. In addition to regular updates from member universities, the INU Council created the INU Mission, Vision, and Value Statement and decided on the new tag line: The Network for Global Engagement. Dr. Ida Susanti reported about another successful International Student Conference for Global Citizenship and Peace, held in Bandung, Indonesia, January 16-25, 2015. For the future, preparations for the summer programs at Hiroshima University are underway. Regarding new membership, the Council decided to engage in conversation with Kingston University, London, since this institution expressed interest in joining the INU. New initiatives include setting up a Seed Money Fund, which would welcome proposals for new projects within the INU. Additionally, the INU will identify best ways to provide access to information about already-existing programs and resources at each member university to support one other more effectively in internationalization and global engagement. Use of the Internet in teaching and learning through development of the Global Classroom continues to be an initiative delegates are interested in pursuing.